Senin, 22 Oktober 2018


Class   : 3EB02
Name  : Eko Mahendra
1.      Eko Mahendra           ( 22216288 )
2.      Olivia Geovania S      (25216682 )
3.      Rifan Nugraha           ( 26216371 )
4.      Wahyuning Ayu W    ( 2C214170 )

In the rapid development of technology in the current era of globalization has provided many benefits in progress in various aspects of life. Like a new modern technology that will be developed by PT. ECO JAYA, which is a anti-sleepy motorbike. With the production of this motorbike, it is expected to reduce the number of motorbike accidents that occur a lot, which is caused by sleepy motorbike users.
This anti-sleepy motorbike will later be supported by a supporting device namely a helmet. The helmet will be used to detect the level of awareness of motorcycle users. This helmet will be connected to the engine on the motorbike. This motorbike will be produced with super modern technology that will greatly facilitate motorbike users
The following are the features offered by the anti-sleepy motorbike :
a.      Electric Shock Feature
Supporting helmet will detect the blink of an eye from the motorbike user, if when the motor is used and there is no blinking activity within 5 seconds of the motorbike user, the motor will automatically release the electric shock feature, this electric shock feature will emit a vibration sensation in the motorbike which will increase the level of awareness of motorbike users.
b.      Auto Pilot Feature
This feature is very useful for motorbike users who feel tired of driving. they can activate the auto pilot feature, and they can adjust the speed they want according to the conditions of the surrounding environment,
c.       Extra Battery
Extra battery supports the auto pilot feature which can be used up to 5 hours of use. not only that, this extra battery can also be used to charge motorbike users' mobile phones.
d.      Digital GPS
Digital GPS will allow motorbike users to get to their destination. Digital GPS will be connected with a helmet.
Because the anti-sleepy motorbike is produced using sophisticated technology, it cannot be denied that the price offered for this anti-sleepy motorbike is in the range of Rp. 25,000,000 per unit. Because the price offered is quite high for every unit of this anti-sleepy motorbike, the target market is a middle-upper class society. For the initial launch, we will produce around 10,000 units. With the production of anti-drowsy motors, it is expected to provide benefits for the company around 5%.


Class   : 3EB02
Name  : Eko Mahendra
1.      Eko Mahendra           ( 22216288 )
2.      Olivia Geovania S      (25216682 )
3.      Rifan Nugraha           ( 26216371 )
4.      Wahyuning Ayu W    ( 2C214170 )


1.      Board of Commissioners
     Evaluate the performance of directors with performance appraisal based on criteria set forth in KPI (Key Performance Indicator).
     Some of the general criteria include the performance of the collective directors on the achievement of the company in accordance with the RUPP / RKAP, the implementation of Good Corporate Governance principles, the presence or absence of conflicts of interest that arise as well as compliance in implementing the articles of association, laws and regulations, the provisions of the GMS and the provisions of the commissioners.
· Audit Committee
     The Audit Committee is responsible and responsible for providing professional and independent opinions to the Board of Commissioners regarding reports or matters submitted by the Board of Directors to the Board of Commissioners, and carrying out other tasks related to the duties of the Board of Commissioners. The overall scope of the Audit Committee's work is listed in the Audit Committee charter, including Review of Financial Information, Selection, Appointment and Supervision of Independent Auditor Works, Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Internal Audit Functions, Supervision of Effectiveness of Internal Control, Compliance with Legislation, Risk Reporting and Management Implementation Risk, Conduct Self Assessment of Audit Committee Duties, and Implementation of Special Duties.
· Good Corporate Governance, Nomination & Remuneration Committee
     The duties and responsibilities of the GCG-NR Committee in detail are to review the Company's compliance and the suitability of the Company's Articles of Association with applicable laws and regulations, ensuring that GCG principles and ethical aspects have been applied consistently, monitoring the implementation and follow-up of the appraisal results conducted by the appraisers independently, monitor and participate in the implementation of GCG dissemination at the company level, evaluate and review the existence of the Supporting Committee and the qualifications of its members, handle violation reporting (whistleblowing), review implementation plans and reports on social management, environmental management and post-mining, monitor compliance with legislation in mining, social and environmental sectors, as well as conducting policy evaluations and identifying impacts. For the management of Human Capital, the GCG-NR Committee supervised the nomination system and process as well as the preparation and provision of Remuneration for the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.

· Risk Management Committee
     The Risk Management Committee has the duty and responsibility to assist the Board of Commissioners in providing professional and independent opinions to ensure the implementation of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in a good and integrative manner by the Board of Directors. The implementation of the Risk Management Committee's duties and responsibilities includes reviewing, monitoring and providing recommendations on risk identification, risk assessment, risk mitigation by relevant work units and the effectiveness of risk management by the Risk Management Division.
     The Risk Management Committee is authorized to access fully, freely and not limited to any Company policy relating to risk management in the Company. In exercising its authority, the Risk Management Committee cooperates with the Secretariat of the Board of Commissioners, Committees within the Board of Commissioners, related teams at the management level, Internal Audit and the Company's operational units related to their duties.
2.      Senior Vice President
a.    Coordinating, controlling and evaluating the duties of corporations and business units, so that all activities are carried out in accordance with the vision, mission, business objectives, strategies, policies and work programs that are determined.
b.    Align all of the company's internal initiatives, and ensure an increase in the company's competitiveness.
c.    Coordinate, control and evaluate the internalization of GCG principles and ethical standards consistently within the company.
d.    Ensuring information related to the corporation is always available when needed by the commissioner.
3.      Deputi Senior Vice President of Operation
a.    Coordinating, controlling and evaluating the implementation of operational tasks in the fields of production, marketing, work safety, environment, maintenance and engineering, mine closure, as well as representative offices abroad.
b.    Develop efficiency and quality management programs and ensure that they are carried out consistently in the work units.
c.    Ensure information related to the work unit is always available to the commissioner.
4.      Deputi Senior Vice President of Financial
a.      Coordinate, control and evaluate the implementation of operational tasks in the treasury, funding, accounting, budget and information technology fields.
b.      Plan, search and ensure the provision of funds for the development of the company in accordance with the company's strategic plan.
c.       Ensure information related to the work unit is always available to the commissioner.
5.      Deputi Senior Vice President of Human Resources and`General Affairs
a.      Coordinate, control and evaluate the implementation of operational tasks in the fields of organization, human resources, education and training, health, public services and community development.
b.      Develop good relations with the government, all external parties and other stakeholders and ensure the implementation of corporate social responsibility activities in an effective and effective manner.
c.       Ensure information related to the work unit is always available to the commissioner.
6.      Deputi Senior Vice President of Development
a.      Coordinate, monitor and evaluate the preparation and implementation of the company's long-term plan (RJPP).
b.      Coordinate, control and evaluate the implementation of operational tasks in the field of company growth.
c.       Develop good relationships with strategic partners and seek and capture new business opportunities.
d.      Ensure information related to the work unit is always available to the commissioner.
7.      Senior Vice President Corporate Secretary
ANTAM's Corporate Secretary has the function of establishing, developing, directing and strategizing in implementing corporate compliance related to the capital market, implementing Investor Relations and Corporate Communication, implementing Good Corporate Governance as well as corporate secretarial administration to support ANTAM's Vision and Mission and ANTAM Human Capital Excellence by continuing to pay attention to the principles of Standard Corporate Ethics, Good Corporate Governance, and corporate values. The Corporate Secretary is directly responsible to the President Director.