Kamis, 18 Oktober 2018



Name : Eko Mahendra
NPM  : 22216288
Class  : 3EB02
After 2 years running from the opening of  “Ayam Geprek” in Bogor. Ripan and Eko intend to open a new branch in Bandung. But unfortunately, they lack funds and need funding from sponsors to open this new branch.
Eko         : Fan, you know that we want to open a new branch, but the problem is we lack funds.
                  Do you have someone who can help us?
Rifan      : I think I have.
     I have a friend who works in the XXX company, I think she can help us.
Eko         : Can we contact her now?
Rifan      : I don’t know, but let’s try. I have the telephone number of her company

-On the phone-
Eko                    : Good afternoon miss. Can I speak with Mrs. Ayu?
Ayu’s Secretary : Good afternoon, if I may know who you are? Is there something important that you      want to talk about with Mrs. Ayu?
Eko                   : I’m Eko from “Ayam Geprek”, I want to talk about sponsor assistance with Mrs.       Ayu.
Ayu’s Secretary : Oh oke, can you wait a minute? I will connect you with Mrs. Ayu.
Eko                    : Thank you.

 -On the phone with Mrs. Ayu-
Ayu        : Hello, Ayu talking right now. Can I help you Mr. Eko?
Eko        : Hello Mrs. Ayu. I’m Eko, I am friend of Rifan. I know your number from him.
Ayu        : Oh Rifan, yes, I know him. What do you need?
Eko        : I and Rifan plan to open a new branch of our business, “Ayam Geprek”. But we lack funds. So, the purpose of my calling Mrs.Ayu is to propose sponsoring assistance for our new branch.
Ayu        : Regarding sponsoring issues, you can come directly to my office and bring a proposal for your business. I will check it.
Eko        : Oke Miss, when should I go to your office?
Ayu        : Hmm.., if you can, you can come to my office tomorrow.
Eko        : Approximately what time do you have time?
Ayu        : I think you can come after lunch, around 1 pm.
Eko        : Oke, thank you Miss for your time, I will come tomorrow.
Ayu        : Oke, I will be waiting for you.

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